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Hello, hi, what's up!

I am Jonathan Julius Haryanto, just call me Julius! or "J" if that makes your life easier.


I just love art and that surely includes photography, if not why then I need to display "something" that you see here.

I really am thankful, thru' this simple web, I am able to share to you all, my experience in witnessing glimpse of things in the world, that expressed in my shots.

I hope thru' the pictures you will see, hear and catch each of its expression; tranquility of the river, the whisper of a mountain, the stillness of skies, the voice of the "voiceless", and some more ideas which you can explore by yourself...


Then if you feel like you "fall" into one (or even more) of it, you can just order here or via "Say hello to me here"-tab (it is under"about me?"-tab)



* price for each photo varies between 50$ (USD)*

* the photos that you purchase are still open for public sale 

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